Sunday, October 7, 2007

Fall Vacation 2007.....

We just got back from our annual fall vacation. We headed up to Shaver Lake and visited all the surrounding lakes including Huntington Lake, Wishon and Courtright reservoirs. WOW, the lakes are all really low from our 2 year drought, very sad. We decided that the western sierra mountains are not as fun as the eastern sierras. Don't get me wrong, the area is beautiful, but the fishing sucked! After 3 days at Shaver, we packed up and moved on to Kings Canyon National Park. When I say packed up, I mean we pulled the slide out in on the RV, rolled up our rug, folded up our chairs, hooked up the Suzuki and we were out of there lickety split. We have it down now! We pulled in to the beautiful sequoia forest, set up our campsite and set off to see some of the sites including Grant's Grove of giant sequoia's and hiking up to what I thought was the top of the world to see the entire canyon and the mountain ranges in the distance. Again, beautiful. We got up early the next morning and drove down in to the lower canyon along the kings river. Again, beautiful! Our highlight of the day was seeing a young bear run across the road. We tried to get a photo, but he disappeared in to the trees quickly. We stopped a Hume Lake on our way back up the canyon, had lunch, fished a couple hours....not even a bite. So we again packed up and headed to another site for the night at Lake Kaweah. Lake Kaweah sits at the bottom on the foothills near the entry to the Sequoia National Park. So we got up early Friday morning, Scott fished and then we headed up to see the General Sherman tree and the rest of the big trees. We could see that there was a storm moving in but we figured our little 4 wheel drive Suzuki would get the job done no matter what the weather. Well.....who would have thought we would run in to snow. Not just a flurry, but a full blown snow storm. It was awesome! Those giant sequoia tree's looked better than ever in the snow and our Suzuki helped make tracks for a few folks who got themselves in to the snow without snow tires or chains! All and all, it was a good trip. Saw lots of wildlife, awesome views and did a little antique shopping in the small towns we passed through. Here are a few snapshots:

After hiking up to the panoramic point, I had to catch my breath before I could take in the beauty. This spectacular view was worth the climb, but I know now why I need to quit smoking!

The roaring falls in Kings Canyon. Don't tell the park rangers we took our dog on the trail to get there. Dogs aren't allowed on park trails but since we were the only people there that morning we figured Bailey needed some excercise, too.

Scott and I in front of the General Grant Grove in Kings Canyon.

Bailey enjoyed chasing the ducks at Shaver Lake. She pouted until we let her go swimming.

This is the view of the Sequoia National Park from our campground the day after the snow storm.

I took this while I was driving through the trees heading up the mountain in Sequoia National Park.

Bailey wasn't thrilled about playing in the snow, but Scott was an adventurer that day. Prior to this photo, he hiked down to the General Sherman tree. I wimped out...Bailey and I waited in the car and watched the snow pile up.

The snow got thicker on the way down the mountain.


Joni Marie Newman said...

Looks like you guys had a good time, even though the fishing sucked.

That IS alot of snow. Is that normal for this time of year? It's good, though, the lakes and streams can use the snow melt.

The water at Shaver Lake is so pretty and blue.

I'm glad you guys had a good time. I can't wait to go on that family camping trip we've been talking about! Dan says he won't sleep in a tent. He's afraid of the bears.

kimelaine said...

Well, tell Dan we'll have to camp where there are no bears. Maybe the coast.

...kristen... said...

glad you had a good time! you guys' should get bailey a snow coat...maybe she'll enjoy it more if she's warm!