Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Take your pick.....

Fall has definitely come to Tehachapi. Our temperatures have dropped and the nights are very cool. Check out the blue sky! I love fall, it's my favorite time of year. We harvested our pumpkins early this year. We figured if the grocery stores are already selling them for Halloween, we can get ours up off the ground, too. This is the cream of the crop. There are a few small one's left on the plants that are not quite orange yet, but I'll use those closer to the holidays to make yummy pumpkin pie. This is our best pumpkin crop ever. These are great for Jack-O-Lanterns! As usual, we have reserved the biggest one for Dominic!


...kristen... said...

mmmm...pumpkin pie!

Joni Marie Newman said...

Counting from the left, I want #5. It has a perfect curl to the stem.

Those are beautiful pun'kins ma!