Saturday, September 13, 2008

End of Summer Harvest

Well, it's been a while since I've posted. Guess I've been busier than I thought I was this summer. And summer has really flown by fast this year. Our garden wasn't as fruitful this year as in years past. Our corn crop was pretty small, but we were able to share with family and friends and still have a few ears to freeze for those cold winter days ahead. Our tomatoes have finally gotten to the point where I can start freezing them. We have been enjoying lots of BLT's and now it's time to get them ready for winter sauces. I used to can them, but once I got my Seal-a-Meal, no more sweating over the canner for this gal! Here is a shot of today's harvest. The yellow tomatoes are called Jubilee and they are yummy! They make great salsa, very sweet! I better get busy!


Joni Marie Newman said...

the corn and onions and garlic you brought down to us were YUM-O!

...kristen... said...

I'm making salsa with your fresh tomaties too!