Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Dominic's First Communion

Well, yes I am a bit behind, but I am catching up now. Dominic took his first communion on May 10th. It was an interesting service and I learned a lot about Catholic ways that day. I have never attended a first communion before. Dom's entire class was involved and they all participated in reading bible verses, thanking teachers and helpers and then they all sang together. It was a nice day and then we celebrated at Cirevellos Pizza afterwards. Here are a few key photos

Dominic with his class before the service

All the kids singing-notice Dominic, he's looking right.

5 generations there that day.

Dominic hams it up-Kristen made the cake, it was yummy!


Joni Marie Newman said...

I learned a lot too. The Dominator looked really cute.

...kristen... said...

Looks like we all learned a lot about Catholics that day!