Thursday, February 7, 2008

Dominic Plays Basketball!

Dominic had his first basketball game on January 26th. Turns out they lost their coach the week before so no one was in charge of picking up their uniforms or getting the team organized. Oh well, they got uniforms, just not their sizes and one of the workers from the YMCA coached for the day. Dominic was a bit more concerned about his uniform falling off during the first part of the game, but then he seemed to fall in to the flow of things by the last quarter. These kids are fun to watch! I laughed a lot.....not at them, but at how cute they all were!

Dominic tries to adjust his jersey.

Dominic stands back to see the action around the hoop

Getting a little advice during the break. Dominic finally put his shirt on under his jersey because he is so shy and it was exposing too much for him
Finally get's in the groove with his arms up and moving to toward the ball instead of away from it

1 comment:

...kristen... said...

got another game today...and we are JUST now getting uniforms this morning...ugh. it's picture day today...good thing they came in!