Monday, November 5, 2007

Finally Caught a Fish!

Kristen, Steve and Dominic came up over the weekend so Scott took the boys down to Brite Lake by our house to go fishing. Dominic and Scott have fished together several times, but poor Dominic was starting to believe that there were no fish to catch and it was pretty boring. Well, not anymore. Dominic finally hooked his first trout. He caught 2 on Saturday. Steve also caught 2 and we fried them up for breakfast Sunday morning. Scott said it was more fun helping the boys, so he didn't fish. He was happy to see them so excited. Here are some pictures of their prize catches.

Brite Lake will continue to be stocked over the next couple of months so if anybody wants to try their angler skills, come on up!


Joni Marie Newman said...

Looks like the boys had fun. Not exactly my kind of fun, but fun nonetheless!
I really wanted to come up too, but Kristen didn't tell me until Friday night. Boo.

...kristen... said...

we forgot our fish in th freezer! waaaa...

kimelaine said...

Kristen, I will make sure that you get your fish sooner or later. Maybe Scott will be down there working soon.